Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Countdown to Tampa: 68 Days

We're approaching the new year, which is a time of change and resolution. So, I am changing things up. I changed my blog template. This is a new font (Verdana, thank you very much).

And Jen and I are planning to embark on yet another major change. We are planning to re-locate to the Chicago suburbs. It's going to be a sweet deal. I get to keep my plush job with my current company, and just move on over and work from the office there.

So I am trying to keep up with work, celebrate the holidays, keep up the running mileage and begin to sell our house. No sweat, right?


Do you know anyone running this marathon?

As to the running, I managed to escape right in the middle of each of the last two work days. I literally drop everything I am doing, head down to our corporate gym, change into my winter gear and head out.

MON 12/19 -- Yesterday afternoon, I knocked out an easy 3 miles near the office. I learned that it's not a good idea to try to run near the Route 7 connector onramp. I also did some nice stretching.

TUE 12/20 -- Today was a good one. I am estimating my total was 7.2 miles. I ran from work through the back neighborhoods from East Rocks/Caddy area. Quite hilly but pleasant.

My friend, Steve, told me about a cool website called mapmyrun (see my links). It's great. If you want to plan your run in a new area, you can enter your start point and plan your adventure.

It also works out handy if you are running an unknown distance and your Polar distance monitor freezes up (like it did for me today).

Do you know anyone else who cross-trains for marathons with hockey games? I really am curious...

I am going to take a rest from running on Wednesday. BUT, of course, we've got a 10:30 PM hockey game. We're due for a win.

Here's the remainder of the week plan:

  • Wednesday 12/21 - Rest / Late hockey game
  • Thursday 12/22 - 9 miles - Tempo
  • Friday 12/23 - 3 Easy - OPTIONAL - Make a judgement call - May need to rest
  • Saturday 12/24 - 14 miles - Long run - Then fly to Denver
  • Sunday 12/25 - Merry Christimas!


Unknown said...

I have to ask. Why would you want to move from Connecticut to Chicago? Not that I have ever been to Connecticut, but of course I have these visions of upper class where no one ever litters, the leaves are always changing colors, you get the idea.

Ryan said...

Yes, Connecticut is very beautiful, full of rich people and the fall colors are great. However, it is also ridiculously expesnive! My wife and I are not from here. I brought us out here a couple of years ago for my job. I'm from Michigan, so Chicago kinda feels like home. We are looking to start a family next year and want a new house to go with it! Housing out here is just too damn expensive. I'm in a really good job and they're allowing me to transfer to the Chicago office.