Monday, January 05, 2009

2009 Goals / Sub-3 training on track

I mentioned at last post that I would post my 2009 running goals. It took me a few days longer than planned, but here they are.

I have decided to keep it simple this year and focus on three main goals. If I can hit these three, it will be a successful year.

1. Run more total annual mileage in 2009 than I did in 2008 (2,276 miles)

This is getting harder every year. But I still may be able to pull it off this year with a treadmill.

2. Run a sub-three hour marathon.

Currently, I have three marathons lined up: Austin - 2/15/09, Boston - 4/20/09 and San Fran - 7/26/09.

Sure I want PR's in the half marathon and other distances, but I am going to place emphasis on getting that sub-3. Every thing else will fall into place.

3. Start up a local running club

Yes, folks, this is a new one. I've decided I have put in way too many solo miles. This is largely due to the fact that I love to be able to control my schedule and not drive excessive distances to meet groups.

It's time to connect with other runners locally and teach beginners the joy and glory of running.

Since there is not a running group in my town, I have decided to form one. I have a lot of passion and leadership that I can bring to a running club.

Please see my new website at and let me know your thoughts.

This will be the most challenging goal of the year. I am both excited and daunted about being able to pull together people and form a regular club.


Regarding training for last week, it went pretty well. I am back on track for my sub-3 run at Austin.

I cut back some of the recovery mileage so that I could nail the solid 22-miler that I cut short last week. I hit 22 strong yesterday with an average pace of 7:33 and a strong finish.

Perhaps the highlight of the week was the simulated 10k race that I did inside on a treadmill in 38:08. This is undoubtedly a PR for me (if I can count it). More significantly, however, is that it lines up with a 2:59 marathon.

I have no pain in my shin, so it must have been due to all the treadmill running I did for 2.5 weeks. It felt great to put in some outside mileage. I feel great and again very challenged as I approach my second attempt this year at a 70-mile week.

Please see my new online training log at The link is on the "Useful Links" on the left. This is a great site that Wayne pointed out to me, so I am going to give it a shot.


crossn81 said...

Good luck with your 2009 goals!

I am a huge fan of Running Ahead.

Also don't forget to use things like Facebook to attract people to your club!

Big Jay said...

That's so awesome you're heading up a running club in Plainfield. Only a matter of time and you'll be managing your own fleet feet out there!!! :)

Big Jay said...

Oh crap. This is Barbara, by the way.

Darrell said...

Good luck with Goal #3. It's great that you are willing to invest in other's running achievements.